Cannabis plant in soil

The Best Soil For Autoflowers – Store bought and home made

Autoflowering cannabis strains are loved for their hardiness, quick flowering times, and how easy they are to cultivate. And unlike feminized strains, they aren’t photo-dependent.…

Image of big marijuana plant

Top 10 High Yielding Autoflower Strains

Like many things in cannabis, autoflower strains have come a long way. Once looked down upon by many growers, autoflowering varieties are now quite capable…

Autoflowering Cannabis plant

Autoflowering Cannabis Myths

From breaking out onto the growing scene, autoflower seeds and strains have come a long way. At first, autoflowering varieties weren’t taken seriously by growers. But now, they are quickly becoming a viable and beneficial way to cultivate. With many…

Autoflowering cannabis plant growing outdoors

How to grow autoflowering cannabis outdoors?

When autoflowers were first introduced to the cannabis market, they weren’t taken too seriously by long-time growers and cultivators. While they’re a popular choice for beginners, and indoor grow spaces, growing autoflowers outdoors was fairly rare until recently. With advancements…

Decarboxylation: THC v CBD

Decarboxylation: THC VS CBD

Your cannabis buds will do just fine as they are if you’re just looking to smoke a joint or a bowl. But what if you want to bake with them or turn them into a smoothie? Then you need to…

Topping and Training Autoflowering Strains

Training autoflowering strains is possible and easier than many people think. Due to the short amount of time autoflower strains spend in the vegetative stage, many people think they cannot be trained. This is far from true. 


The Origin of Cannabis Ruderalis

Cannabis ruderalis is a type of cannabis that is low in THC. It presents different phenotypes than cannabis indica and cannabis sativa. This sets it apart as its own species.

sexing marijuana plants

Male or Female? Sexing Marijuana Plants

Sexing marijuana plants is very important for growers. If this is left unchecked, one plant could destroy an entire crop.

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