Do autoflowers need darkness?

Autoflowers will still flower and survive without any dark period but turning your lights off on a schedule for a few hours each day is…


How long do autoflowers flower?

Autoflowers can grow from seed to harvest in as little as 8 weeks, but how much of that time is spent in the flowering stage…


How to fix magnesium deficiency in cannabis?

We all dread the idea of our favourite green girls running into any issues while they are under our care. The amount of time, passion, and effort that goes into growing display-worthy weed is immense, but, at some point in…


How to Fix Potassium Deficiency in Cannabis

Growing the best weed crop possible is up there with the most satisfying things of all time, especially for those of us who have really caught the ganga-growing bug. But to say it comes with a couple of key challenges…


How long do autoflowers veg for?

Autoflowers grow from seed to harvest much faster than photoperiod strains, which is great if you want to grow weed in under twelve weeks, but it's important to understand how long each stage of their life takes. In this article,…


How to flush autoflowers

Often a step that gets overlooked by first time growers but flush your plants properly and you will thank yourself when it comes to smoking it. Flushing cannabis plants is the vital last step before you cut your plants down…


How to dry and cure autoflowers

Once you have finished growing your cannabis plants the hard work is mostly done, but to get the very best out of your grow you will need to dry and cure your bud. If you’re not quite sure what that…


How To Identify And Fix Calcium Deficiency in Cannabis Plants

Growing your very own crop of amazing, dank, delicious autoflowering buds is up there with the most rewarding, entertaining, satisfying things a true cannoisseur can get their hands dirty with. But with the excitement comes a decent amount of stress…


What is the best autoflower feeding schedule?

So, you've bagged yourself a couple of amazing autoflowering seeds here at, and you're getting ready to start your grow journey. But now comes the important question - what is the best autoflower feeding schedule? With the dominance of…


Topping and Training Autoflowering Strains

Training autoflowering strains is possible and easier than many people think. Due to the short amount of time autoflower strains spend in the vegetative stage, many people think they cannot be trained. This is far from true. What are the…

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