If you no longer want your order, please contact us immediately using the contact form advising us you want to cancel and return your items. We will then issue you with the full information on where to return this to us. Please be aware we can only accept returns for items that are still in the original packaging.

If you wish to cancel your order please contact us immediately using the contact form and provide your Order ID number stating you want to cancel your order.

If your order has not been dispatched yet we will cancel the order immediately.

If your order has been dispatched and is on route, please contact us as above and we will advise how the items can be returned for a full refund. Please be aware that we can only issue a refund if your order is returned to us UNOPENED and in original packaging.

All orders are sent tracked with USPS from our New York office. Once your order has been shipped you will be sent a confirmation email with your USPS tracking code.

Orders to the USA take 3-5 working days but can take slightly longer during busy periods such as Christmas or Black Friday. If you have not received your order after 5 working days please contact our customer support team who will be on had to help.

We ship all orders from our New York office with USPS tracked service. Normal delivery times are 2-5 working days but may take up to 7 working days during busier periods.

Yes! We ship to all US states from our New York office.

Yes, all orders are packaged inside a protective plastic vial and then inside one of our branded mylar bags for ultimate freshness. Your mylar bag is then packaged inside an unbranded padded envelope for your digression.

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