What should a cannabis seed look like?
Cannabis seeds. The start of every dream garden, and just so nice to look at, right?
But what does a good weed seed look like?
Becoming familiar with all aspects of cannabis should be high on every new grower’s list, and it all starts with a seed (plus some good quality growing media and a little water).
Let’s quickly run over everything there is to know about everybody’s favourite seeds – weed seeds!
Appearance of cannabis seeds
Quality cannabis seeds usually have a hard outer shell that can vary in colour from very dark (almost black) to very light grey.
Some seeds may have a tiger-like or spotted pattern, which is unique to the individual seed and is a thin layer of cells coating the seed that can be easily rubbed off to reveal the seeds’ true colour. They have one pointed end where the root comes out, and one flat end. A seam separates the two halves of the shell (also known as the hull or pericarp) and is where the seeds open during germination.
Shape of cannabis seeds
Weed seeds are small, oval-shaped, with a rounded end and a flatter end.
It’s perfectly normal to find minor differences. In some cases, their shape is more elongated. In others, it can have a more spherical appearance. No reason for concern, these slight differences in the outline of the seeds are purely visual and have nothing to do with quality.
It is important to note that if a seed is abnormally flat, it is less likely to germinate, though it still might.
You don’t need to worry about germination if you grab your seeds from us here at Autoseeds. Our germination guarantee covers every single seed!
Size of cannabis seeds
Most seeds available on the market for growers fall between 3-4 mm long, and 1.5-2 mm in width.
That being said, cannabis seeds do vary in size. Starting from a bit bigger than a tomato seed (or 500 seeds per gram), to the size of a very small pea (or 150 seeds per gram), depending on a range of factors, but the strain of the seed is the major determining factor in seed size. It isn’t rare for weed plants will produce seeds of a variety of shapes and sizes in the same cycle.
As with the shape of the seed, the size doesn’t correlate to the yield size or potency of your buds.
Take White Widow seeds as an example – they’re known to be a little smaller than other strains but tend to produce massive yields. So, don’t throw away any seeds based on their size alone!
Can you identify a male or female cannabis seed?
The short answer is, well… no.
It’s impossible to tell just by looking at them what the sex of any cannabis seed is. The only way to really tell is to get them into the ground and wait for those preflowers to pop out, about a week before full flower production begins.
The other option, and the one that most growers choose, is to buy feminized seeds. This way, you know for certain that your seeds are all going to turn into big, beautiful, bud-filled ladies.
Do autoflowering seeds look any different?
Autoflower seeds do not have a different appearance to other seeds.
There is simply no way to distinguish between autoflowering seeds, feminized seeds, and regular seeds just by looking at them.
This is a question we hear all the time and a valid question it is. A quick web search might give you a sense of hope in distinguishing autoflowering seeds. The reality, however, is that there isn’t any way to tell from a simple glance, or even a long hard look.
The plant’s real future identity lies in the DNA inside the cells within the seed.
What do immature cannabis seeds look like?
If your cannabis seeds have a white or pale green colour, it indicates that they are most likely immature, and will not germinate.
Immature seeds will be soft to the touch and will crack open with a slight bit of pressure applied. Underdeveloped seeds will likely not germinate, regardless of how perfect their growing conditions are. If your seeds have reached maturity, they will appear shiny and light to dark brown and dry and hard to the touch.
What is inside a cannabis seed?
A few things, but if you crack a seed open, you won’t see much to the naked eye (so don’t, it’s a waste).
Inside is the embryo of the plant and all the necessary ingredients to begin life once the right conditions of warmth and moisture are met. Inside each and every embryo are 5 main components.
The internals contain the plant’s genetic code along with the radicle, the hypocotyl, cotyledons, and gemmules. The radicle is the embryonic root, the part of the seed where the roots come from.
To top it off, on the inside of the seeds, you’ll find a substance called albumen, which is the seed’s initial energy source once it begins its germination journey.
Do indica and sativa seeds look the same?
Yes, indica and sativa seeds look the same. There are no real visual differences between indica and sativa cannabis seeds. Both types of seed range in color from light to dark brown and may have spots or stripes, but these characteristics are not indicative of their genetic lineage.
The wrap up
Understanding how cannabis seeds are supposed to look, feel, and react to moisture is crucial for a successful harvest. By paying close attention to appearance, shape, and patterns, you can identify high-quality seeds with the potential for robust growth and abundant yields.